
Course Co-ordinator, Administration, (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)

Cassandra has always been passionate about the performing arts. Singing in the Catholic School’s Music Festival in primary school she fell in love with singing and performing. She has also been dancing since she was 4 years old. She has a background in Jazz, Tap, Contemporary, Lyrical and Hip Hop.

Cassandra has recently had a baby girl at the end of 2022, which meant she was unable to teach regular classes however, she now edits and writes the programs each term for the combo classes. She also puts together the midyear shows for combo 1 (also end of year shows), 2, 3, Senior Musical Theatre & Advanced Combo 3 and Advanced Senior Musical Theatre and assists with the production of the end of year shows. She does some private singing lessons on a Friday afternoon.

Cass loves hearing about all the activities that the students do in classes and loves hearing about their progress in between working in the office on the front desk.

Her toddler now does Busy Bees classes as well!